Car phone holder comparison

The number of cars per person in Poland is growing. It is not so much the case that the majority of people have their own car, but it is less common for people to be excessively profligate when it comes to collecting cars or owning several. It is usually used for travelling or for work. Professional drivers are on the road for days or even weeks at a time in the same vehicle. Whether it's for work or a family trip, it's important to keep your phone visible. If you use navigation on your phone or your job requires you to stay in constant contact, you need to keep your smartphone steady. Then we need to get the right phone holder. There are many options and everyone can choose something for himself. We will introduce you to some of the most affordable car phone holders in this post.
Which smartphone would I choose? Small top of the line flagships

If you have found this article, it means that you are probably looking for a new smartphone for no small amount of money. So I am extremely pleased that you want to know my subjective opinion about the new smartphones that came out this year and last year. I have already mentioned that for no small amount of money. Exactly so, because flagships are by definition the best smartphones of the brand, which no .... are quite expensive. I would like to point out that the top will not be chronological, because the variety of smartphones I've chosen does not allow you to put them from best to worst.
Moja refleksja po używaniu asystenta Google

Sterowanie swoim smartfonem za pomocą głosu? Brzmi bardzo dobrze, brzmi jak kolejny sposób na przyspieszenie codziennych działań. Używane tego jest bardzo proste. Mówi się do urządzenia jak do człowieka. Trzeba zacząć swoje żądanie hasłem: „OK, Google”. Można również dłużej przytrzymać przycisk ekranu głównego. Jednak jak robimy coś innego i smartfon mamy gdzieś w oddali lub mamy zajęte ręce, łatwiej nam będzie z pierwszym sposobem.